Noise level monitoring meter on a white surface

Sound or noise level monitoring (or simply fright noise) is a procedure to measure the loudness of whatever kind, whether it’s around industrialization or residential areas. We test and monitor noise levels to see what we need to do to combat pollution. This type of noise we call noise pollution is low-frequency sound or high-frequency sounds which can disrupt people’s normal behaviour.

With the growth of technological civilization, all kinds of Industrial Machines, Motor Vehicles and Crafts also emit various sounds. All these are sources which can cause noise pollution. Man himself has inflicted the plague of noise pollution on many people due to rapid development in recent years. Therefore, the Monitoring process for noise Pollution is a kind of monitoring that falls under Environmental Monitoring testing.

What is Noise Level Monitoring?

Noise Level monitoring is a major activity which involves measuring and evaluating noise, and sound levels in different situations. It fulfils various important functions:

Industrial Health and Safety:

It examines conditions in urban areas where industry or homes generate excessive sounds to protect the population from noise pollution.

Environmental Noise Inspection:

Monitors noise pollution in city, industrial and residential areas to minimize people’s exposure. Helps companies and industries meet noise-level rules & guidelines.

Research and Analysis:

Data for noise impact study and noise control measures.

Noise Level Determination Using Noise Testing Equipment:

We measure noise in decibels (dB). The decibel level increases with the increase in noise level. We can set decibels to the range of human hearing. We measure the amount of noise in decibels A (dBA). On the decibel scale, 0 dB represents the lowest audible sound (almost felt as complete silence). A sound 10 times louder is 10 decibels (dB). 20 decibels is a sound which one hundred times louder than near-perfect silence. A sound is 30 dB, then 40 dB and so on; a thousand times louder than almost completely mute silence.

A sound/noise level meter is used to measure noise pollution. The dB(A)Leq symbol refers to the time-weighted average, on scale A (at least representative of human hearing), of decibel level. A “decibel” is a measuring unit for noise. “A” in dB (A) Leq stands for frequency weighting in noise measurement, which is in line with the human ear’s frequency response characteristics.
Leq: It is an energy mean of the noise level over a certain time period.

The noise level Survey schedule is planned in such a way that it covers the noise generation by normal daytime activities i.e. from 08:00 am to 10:00 pm and a part of night time activities i.e. 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (nighttime).

Because noise pollution has evolved in recent years, it is advised that a noise level monitoring program be implemented on corporate premises.

Limits on noise level standards defined by the pollution control board during Day time for Residential Noise < 55 dB and Limits during Night time for Residential Noise < 45 dB

In industry, there are two types of Sound Monitoring & testing or Noise Level Measurement:

1. Ambient Noise Level Monitoring
2. In-plant Noise level Monitoring

1) Ambient Noise Level Monitoring Standards:

Ambient noise level monitoring or noise pollution measurement within the industrial zone under ambient circumstances (For example, close to the manufacturing plant, the canteen, the main gate, etc.) under the Central Pollution Control Board (under the Factory Act 1948):

Limits or acceptable noise level during daytime for Ambient Noise < 75 dB and Limits during Night time for Ambient Noise < 70 dB.

2) In-plant Noise level Monitoring Standards:

In-plant Noise Level refers to the measuring of sound levels within the plant. As per the Central Pollution Control Board (as per Factory Act 1948) Limits for In-plant Noise levels < 90 dB.

Noise Monitoring / Testing Services:

We offer Noise monitoring services to measure noise pollution for D.G. stacks, traffic, machines, etc. Our experts make use of advanced monitoring and analyzing systems. We provide Noise Quality Monitoring services to national norms and laws, with prompt execution, efficient personnel, and cost-effectiveness.

We offer Noise testing services in customized options for 24 hours and multiple sites as per the demands of our clients, environmental agencies, furnace units, chemical plants, conveying units etc.

Our Special Features for Noise Testing Services:

  • Cost competitiveness
  • Eco friendly
  • Time adherence
  • Legal compliance

The following tests are performed for Noise Level Monitoring :

CHEMICAL- ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION Ambient Noise Level Noise Levels Leq dB(A) Ambient IS 9989
CHEMICAL- ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION Site testing - Ambient Noise Level Noise Levels-Source (DG Set) IS 8528 (Part 10)

Because of its advanced technology, equipment, and experienced team of experts, CVR Labs is an excellent choice for Noise Level Monitoring services. CONTACT US today to learn more about our services and how we can help you keep your loud environments safe and healthy.

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