C-Tech Environmental Labs (Pvt) Ltd, established in 2005 with the mission of offering holistic environmental analytical services, is the off-spring of A&B Labs, Houston, USA, which is one of the Most Certified and Accredited Labs in USA for Environmental (NELAP), Industrial Hygiene (AIHA), Drinking Water (TCEQ), Asbestos (NVLAP,DSHS), Microbiological (DSHS ), and Soil ( USDA Permit ) Testing.
The laboratory follows the footsteps of the parent organization in its commitment to provide the clients with quality analytical services at competitive prices. At C-Tech customer service has always been accorded top priority.
The quality systems for these analyses are based upon ISO-17025 guidelines. Incidentally, A & B Labs, Houston, has also developed a window network – based Laboratory Information Management System (BTLIMS) which is essentially the e-form of ISO 17025, customized to meet the requirements of various facilities and services as marine survey laboratories, thermal power plants, etc., in China and elsewhere in the world.
The laboratories sport up-to-date ultra-sensitive equipment including Automated Continuous Environmental Monitor (Thermal Desorption Unit), GC with Auto Injector and Purge and Trap liquid sample concentrator, GC-Mass Spectrometer, Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer, High Performance Liquid Chromatograph, Ion Chromatograph, TOC Analyzer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Ultraviolet – Visible Spectrophotometers.
Services Offered by the Laboratory are:
- Industrial Hygiene Survey
- Indoor Air Quality Assessment
- Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
- Industrial Emission Source Sampling and Analysis
- Water and Wastewater Analysis
- Monitoring of Noise Levels at Source and in Ambient Air
- Environmental Inventory
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Solid and Hazardous Waste Analysis including TCLP test
- Environmental Management Plan
- Site Selection
- Environmental Audit
- Rehabilitation & Resettlement Study
- Feasibility Study
- Risk Assessment
- Hazop Study
- Disaster Management Plan
- Leak Detection and Repair
- Design of Water, Sewage and Effluent Treatment Plants
- Performance Evaluation of Water, Sewage and Effluent Treatment Plants.
Services Offered by the Laboratory are:
C-Tech Environmental Labs have pioneered VOC and HC monitoring in India; the first job itself was in February 2006, at SIPCOT Cuddalore, an environmental hotspot of international ‘fame’ dubbed as Gas Trouble (I & II) by Green Peace and this was carried out for the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, the premier institution for environmental engineering research and consultancy in India. The results of C-Tech were quantitative, quality assured and well received and incorporated into NEERI’s report.
C-Tech Labs were also the first laboratory in the country to carry out fugitive VOC, HC emissions assessment in the work zone of a refinery complex and in the ambient air as per the TOR of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, for the EIA of several expansion projects of the refinery.
Our esteemed clientele includes
- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur
- Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board
- Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited
- Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
- Shasun Chemicals and Drugs
- Asian Paints
- Tanfac Industries
- Tagros Chemicals India
- Dharangadra Chemical Works
- Chemplast Sanmar
- Hindustan Motors
- Larsen & Toubro
- Kothari Petrochemicals
- Apollo Hospitals
- RRB Energy
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Richardson & Cruddas
- Tamilnadu News Prints Ltd
- TTK – LIG Limited
- Trishyiraya
- Entro Tech Solutions
- Swift Tech Engineers & Consultants
- Brooks Water System
- Consolidated Construction Consortium Limited
Backed by the experienced
A & B team of scientists, engineers, technical facilitators, and Certified Industrial Hygienists, C-Tech can be relied on not only to provide the fast and accurate analysis you need but also to solve any problem of Environmental Pollution you may face.
For Further details contact:
The General Manager,
C-Tech Environmental Labs (Pvt) Ltd.,
10, Bharathiar Street,
Ramakrishna Nagar,
Chennai – 600 087.
Phone 044 – 24860280
Telefax 0091 044 24860280 E-Mail Web Page