- A safe and health workplace.
- Regulatory compliance.
- Reduced Worker’s Compensation and 3rd-party liability exposure.
- Reduced absenteeism.
- Greater productivity.
- Greater employee job satisfaction.
The main objective of the programme is to upgrade the practical knowledge of the participants in understanding the Occupational Health and Hygiene study which includes Identifying Hazardous substances, monitoring & analysis, maintenance and calibration of instrumentations involved, control measured required (Administrative & Engineering) and reporting & Interpretation with OSHA requirements. Companies who seek to improve performance by preventing occupational injuries and illnesses and minimizing environmental risks.
One of the most important worker safety and industrial hygiene issues at a facility is work environment air quality. Because of the liability involved with employee complaints, work environment should be at the forefront of a company’s safety agenda. Also, the health and working conditions of employees directly affect their job performance and productivity. It is management’s responsibility to achieve optimal performance while minimizing injury and liability risks. The best way to achieve this is to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
Healthier workers are more productive workers and happier people
CVR Labs has been acquiring the latest instruments and developing laboratory facilities and technical expertise in Industrial Hygiene and Risk Assessment as well as Industrial Pollution and Prevention Control. At the end of the programme, they will be capable of developing clear concepts in Industrial Hygiene and Workplace hazards compliance criteria.
We are sure that you will utilize the opportunity of the programme by nominating your personnel. Since the programme participants are limited to 25, we look forward to your early nominations to avoid any last-minute disappointment.
For more information on the training, please contact us at